Are you…

  • …a startup leader considering your first AI/ML project?
  • …a data professional thinking of joining a startup?
  • …an investor assessing the viability of a startup’s AI/ML plans?
  • …a consultant helping startups ship data-intensive solutions?

If the answer is yes to any of the above, download my free Data-to-AI Health Check for Startups PDF to help guide your next steps.

Startup failure rates are high.
Data/AI/ML projects often fail to ship.
Increase your chances of success with the Data-to-AI Health Check for Startups.

    Early feedback from startup gurus

    "A symptom of hard-won personal experience ... a solid list."
    "Excellent advice for anybody looking to join an early stage startup."
    "Great questions to ask any entrepreneur!"

    In the guide, you’ll find a set of questions to help you assess a startup’s data/AI/ML health, along with the business context in which data/AI/ML projects get shipped. The questions and scoring guidance cover eight areas, resulting in the scorecard shown below.

    Data-to-AI Health Check: Scorecard example

    Data-to-AI Health Check: Scorecard example