Building useful machine learning tools keeps getting easier: A fish ID case study

Lessons learned building a fish ID web app with and Streamlit, in an attempt to reduce my fear of missing out on the latest deep learning developments.

March 20, 2022

Use your human brain to avoid artificial intelligence disasters

Overview of a talk I gave at a deep learning course, focusing on AI ethics as the need for humans to think on the context and consequences of applying AI.

November 22, 2021

The rise of greedy robots

Is artificial/machine intelligence a future threat? I argue that it’s already here, with greedy robots already dominating our lives.

March 20, 2016

Why you should stop worrying about deep learning and deepen your understanding of causality instead

Causality is often overlooked but is of much higher relevance to most data scientists than deep learning.

February 14, 2016

The joys of offline data collection

Insights on data collection and machine learning from spending a month sailing, diving, and counting fish with Reef Life Survey.

January 24, 2016

Learning about deep learning through album cover classification

Progress on my album cover classification project, highlighting lessons that would be useful to others who are getting started with deep learning.

July 6, 2015

Hopping on the deep learning bandwagon

To become proficient at solving data science problems, you need to get your hands dirty. Here, I used album cover classification to learn about deep learning.

June 6, 2015