Customer lifetime value and the proliferation of misinformation on the internet

There’s a lot of misleading content on the estimation of customer lifetime value. Here’s what I learned about doing it well.

January 8, 2017

Learning to rank for personalised search (Yandex Search Personalisation – Kaggle Competition Summary – Part 2)

My team’s solution to the Yandex Search Personalisation competition (finished 9th out of 194 teams).

February 11, 2015

Is thinking like a search engine possible? (Yandex search personalisation – Kaggle competition summary – part 1)

Insights on search personalisation and SEO from participating in a Kaggle competition (finished 9th out of 194 teams).

January 29, 2015

SEO: Mostly about showing up?

Increasing SEO traffic to BCRecommender by adding content and opening up more pages for crawling. It turns out that thin content is better than no content.

December 15, 2014