Your first
Data-to-AI hire

Logo and profile picture of Yanir Seroussi: Startup Data & AI Consultant
Connect on LinkedIn / Yanir Seroussi or

About you

Ideal: Some product-market fit; seeing opportunities in product analytics or advanced AI/ML

Quick poll:

  • Name
  • Company
  • What are you hoping to learn?

About me

Helping climate & nature tech startups ship data-intensive solutions

Career highlights:

  • Software Engineering (BSc) / Data Science & Engineering / Artificial Intelligence (PhD)
  • 10+ years with startups & scaleups (after big tech)
  • 4× first Data-to-AI hire
  • Indie consulting: portfolio approach to tackling the climate & biodiversity crises

Main goal:
Avoid expensive mistakes

Cost of a wrong hire







  • De-hype Data & AI
  • Clarify needs & opportunities
  • Consider not hiring
  • Hire well
  • Avoid pitfalls

The lay

Dataland: Venn's Paradise?

need not worry about
Dataland Venns

Ask de-hyping questions

What's the state of your data engineering lifecycles?
How do you use descriptive, predictive, and causal modelling to support decisions?
How do you use AI to automate processes?

Principles before tools

Some useful terms

Basic AI:
Black boxes like ChatGPT and transcription tools
Advanced AI/ML:
Custom models, harder, requires MLOps & serious data work beyond the prototype
The M in Build-Measure-Learn, key to product-led growth – depends on plumbing

OK, maybe one Venn...


What do you need from Dataland?

  • Is it important for near-term growth?
  • List responsibilities, not titles
  • Make a 90-day plan
  • Define a successful outcome
  • Ensure everyone agrees

Consider not hiring

  • Do urgent work in-house?
  • Get a contractor / fractional?
  • Defer non-urgent work?

Achieving outcomes
without hiring
Massive win


Get even clearer on the role

  • 30 & 90 day plans
  • Aspirational goals for 6-12 month horizon
  • Likely level: mid-senior
  • Possible titles:
    • Data tech lead (analytics focus)
    • AI/ML lead (engineering focus)
  • Compensation isn't just salary + equity

Get help

  • (Good) recruiters are not the enemy
  • External recruiters: Help with sourcing and understanding the market
  • Internal recruiters: Help with the process and screening
  • Specialists: Help with technical screening
  • Remember the principal-agent problem

The hiring process

Run a process you'd love

  • Be clear and honest
  • Be responsive and efficient
  • Ask relevant, informative questions
  • Remember you're not Google

Sample process

  1. Ad: Clear & honest; include process, salary range, 30-90 day plans, and 6-12 month aspirations
  2. Simple call to action with custom questions
  3. Initial screen options:
    • Reject quickly and with note; or
    • Invite to 30-minute intro call
  4. Technical screen
  5. Final screen & offer

Relevant, informative questions

  • Derive from responsibilities and 90-day plan
  • Dig into past work and current motivations
  • Get techies to explain to non-tech staff
  • Technical screen:
    • Simple live screen questions
    • Take-home task
    • Dig into take-home response in call
    • Consider paid trials & contract-to-hire

Above all...
Keep it
efficient &

Avoid common pitfalls

  • Ignoring experts
  • Trusting the wrong experts
  • Google worship
  • Hunting unicorns
  • Expecting magic
  • Hiring narrow specialists

Recap: Key takeaways

  • Data & AI: Plumbing, decisions, and automation
  • Before hiring, get clear on your needs
  • Outcomes first: Consider alternatives to hiring
  • If hiring, run a process you'd love
  • Keep learning, get help, and avoid pitfalls


Car Next Door (Uber Carshare) 🚗

  • "Head of Data Science"
  • Opportunistic person fit, not a defined role
  • Plenty of engineering and analytics

Orkestra 📊

  • "Lead Data Scientist / Principal Technology Lead"
  • Started essentially fractional, morphed with time
  • Ambitious AI/ML work

...could have been a short contract?


Recruiter tips from: Mitch King, Eli Gündüz, and Matt Cook (they haven't reviewed the slides – mistakes my own).

First data hire tips from sources noted in my post on the topic.

Image sources: simple diagram, MLOps roles, Ryan Urbanowitz AI & Data, Jeff Winter AI, Matt Turck (MAD landscape), Andrew Bartholomew (Venn inspiration).

Questions? Feedback?

Logo and profile picture of Yanir Seroussi: Startup Data & AI Consultant
Happy to connect on
LinkedIn / Yanir Seroussi or via