Talks and podcast appearances, saved here for future reference and for public benefit.
- We Need More FLOPS: How to Fail with AI (presented at AI Con 2024)
- Podcast interview on my consulting focus and the reality of Data & AI projects with Adam Massey (summary post)
- Your first Data-to-AI hire (presented to Climate Salad members); see posts with practice recordings: part 1 & part 2)
- Podcast interview on my career path with Eli Gündüz of Careersy Coaching (summary post)
- Lessons from reluctant data engineering (presented at DataEngBytes Brisbane 2023; see video and post)
- Data ethics – beyond curve fitting (given as part of a local course in June 2021; see video and post)
- Moving Automattic to net zero carbon emissions (PublishPress interview from November 2020)
- Running remote data teams (Data Futurology webinar from June 2020)
- Bootstrapping the right way (presented at YOW! Data 2019; also available as a video)
- A day in the life of a remote data scientist (presented at Data Science Sydney meetup 2019; also available as a video)
- Ask Why! Finding motives, causes, and purpose in data science (presented at MeDaScIn 2016 and at Data Science Sydney meetup 2016; also available as a blog post and as a video)
- The hardest parts of data science (presented at Sydney Data Science Breakfast meetup 2015; also available as a blog post)
- The wonderful world of recommender systems (presented at Data Science Sydney meetup 2015; also available as a blog post)
- Gensim: Topic Modelling for Humans (an overview of the gensim package, presented at the Sydney Python meetup 2015)
- Demystifying data: An introduction to data science (presented as a General Assembly Workshop)
- How to (almost) win Kaggle competitions (presented at Data Science Sydney meetup 2014; also available as a blog post)
- High-level introduction to recommender systems (a much-shorter version of The wonderful world of recommender systems)
- How to avoid most sharding issues with MongoDB (presented at MongoDB Sydney Meetup 2013)
- Some issues we encountered with Mongo 2.2 (MongoDB Conference 2012 Lightning Talk)
- Authorship attribution with author-aware topic models (presented as a poster at ACL 2012)
- Personalised rating prediction for new users using latent factor models (presented at Hypertext 2011)